I’ve been using this framework for some, trying to make static sites simpler.

DISCLAIMER: Probably soon to judge this technology.


I’ve been using other frameworks for the web:

But, while it makes sense for PWA, business applications, and such; it’s weird to have a reactive framework to render something that you know it’s going to be 100% static. TOO MUCH JS!

That’s when I read about Astro, and unless something bad has happened, Codeserk Website is built using it!


While still being a framework, with their own .astro and all that, their approach is quite different. I think some people call it meta framework :/

The trick is that the main functionality is to do stuff in TS that will render plain HTML/CSS/JS. No hydration. No hydration by default, just when you want dynamic components.

The approach for this is also quite nice, you can use any of the top frameworks like React or Vue and add it to your website.


Like Next.js, I have the feeling that they are trying to become the next PHP, pls stop :(. The motivation seems to be again related to selling cloud stuff. I hope all the backend-in-my-frontend stuff remains optional.
