I slept quite much for jam-standards (6h or so), since I’m a bit old for non-sleep jams :D. Good black tea and good to start the day!.

This was the main development day, we had some tasks to do and we did them!

  • [X] Orbital camera around a target
  • [X] Sphere (planet) that will be replace by the real planet.
  • [X] Things that appear at random angles of the sphere.
  • [ ] Nice-looking stuff (nope)

This was the first iteration, it was using Unity’s gravity which later was found to be a terrible idea. How it works is:

  1. Find a good position around the sphere (for now without any limit) with some separation from the surface.
  2. Create a GameObject (later to be replaced by the real creatures) at that position, with some physics stuff on (so they fall).
  3. Detect collision with the surface and then deactivate physics when happens.

Most of the work was done in this day:

New planet from designer

We had a new planet asset and it looked nice! (it’s so cool to have a real artist in the team). I had to update my prototype to make sure it was not possible to land in some areas, like water or lava.

Civilization simulation

The prototype was updated to add/remove creatures based on some input parameters. At this point the physics had to be removed because of the performance

Was a long day! :D

Day 2, let's go!